DNS resolution: Step-by-step guide

DNS (Domain Name System) resolution is a crucial behind-the-scenes process that enables us to access websites, send emails, and connect to various services on the internet. While it might seem like magic, it’s a well-defined process that involves multiple steps. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll demystify DNS resolution and explain how it works.

Step 1: User Input

Everything starts with a user’s request to access a website or service. This request typically comes in the form of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) entered into a web browser’s address bar or a similar input method. For example, when you type “www.example.com” into your browser, you’re initiating a DNS resolution process.

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GeoDNS: How to start using it?

So you want to start using GeoDNS. Congrats! That means your business is growing or already big.

Step 0. Know what GeoDNS is?

A Geographical Domain Name System or GeoDNS is a method to distribute the traffic considering the location where the DNS query was generated. GeoDNS involves a network of name servers located in strategic points of the planet. These servers have different IP addresses for the same domain based on the region or area they cover, and that represents an incredible speed boost for the DNS resolution.

The trick of GeoDNS is that it redirects the traffic based on the DNS clients’ IP addresses.

Discover fantastic and reliable GeoDNS service!

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